Facility Operator

What is a Facility Operator?

The definition of a facility operator is any public utility or agency, municipality, authority, cooperative or other person or entity who or which owns or operates a line and the underground line serves one or more customers or consumers in Utah.  A facility operator is an operator who owns, operates, or maintains an underground facility. Underground facility means property that is buried or placed below ground level for use in the storage or conveyance of any of the following: water; sewage, including sewer laterals; communications, including electronic, photonic, telephonic, or telegraphic communications; television, cable television, or other telecommunication signals, including transmission to subscribers of video or other programming; electric power; oil, gas, or other fluid and gaseous substances; steam; slurry; or dangerous materials or products. Under Utah State Law – Title 54 – Chapter 08a – Damage to Underground Utility Facilities Act  as amended through 2024, owners and operators of underground facilities in Utah are encouraged to become association members of Blue Stakes of Utah 811.

Become a Member of Blue Stakes of Utah 811

Blue Stakes is the communications link between excavators, homeowners and utility companies and is the statewide association to contact to have underground utility lines located and marked before commencing any excavation. This service is free of charge to excavators and homeowners and is funded by participating member utility companies. Blue Stakes actively supports the national “5 Steps to Safer Digging” campaign and encourages all excavators and homeowners to “Call 811 Before You Dig, Wait the Required Amount of Time, Locate Accurately, Respect the Marks, and Dig with Care”. Damage Prevention is everyone’s responsibility. It takes a combined effort to protect public safety, minimize utility service interruptions, and avoid damage to property and equipment. Utah State Law – Damage to Underground Facilities Act indicates in section 54-8a-9, subsection (1)(b)(i), that if an association is formed, each operator with underground facilities in the area shall become a member of the association. The act also indicates in section 54-8a-9, subsection (b)(ii), that if an operator does not comply with subsection (b)(i), he is liable for damages incurred by an excavator who has complied with the requirements under this chapter.

If you have interest in becoming a Member of Blue Stakes Of Utah 811, please open the Membership Information Packet resource to begin.  Alternatively if you have any questions about becoming a Member, please click on the button below to contact us.

Annual Meeting of Members

The Annual Meeting of Members is held in the fall each year for all participating member facility operators. Some of the agenda items include: Damage Prevention Video and Breakfast, Message from the Board Chair, Board Member Introductions and Elections, Financial Audit Report, Center Activity Report, and a Question & Answer discussion.

The 2024 Annual Meeting of Members was held on October 17, 2024. 

The 2023 Annual Meeting of Members was held on Thursday, September 28, 2023.

The next Annual Meeting will be held in the Fall of 2025

Electronic Positive Response (EPR)

Electronic Positive Response (EPR) is a system that encourages and facilitates communication from member facility operators back to Blue Stakes of Utah 811 regarding the status of each locate request, which is then made available to excavators.

Click the button below to learn more!

Remote Access

Remote Access for Members (RAM) is designed to assist member utilities in updating and reviewing their member contact information and polygon and grid notification areas. It also has many other features and functionality to help member utilities any time day or night.

If you already have a Newtin User Account username and password, click on “Tools” then on the Newtin Login link to log in and start using the applications. If you need to setup a Newtin User Account, please click on the Sign Up Link to start your new user setup and to begin the online training program.

After Hours Emergencies

Emergency notification on weekends, holidays, or between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on normal workdays should be reported directly to utility companies. You may access their emergency contact information using the Utility Contact Information Lookup tool on the Blue Stakes website under the Members section, or directly here: ucl.bluestakes.org.


LOCATOR LOGiX is a web-based locate management system designed for utilities and utility locators to manage their utility line locate requests sent by Blue Stakes of Utah 811.


Membership Information Packet

Includes a Prospective Member letter, an application for association membership, instructions and fees applicable.


Utility Contact Lookup

Get contact information for Member Facility Operators for After-Hours Emergencies or Engineering & Design requests.


Report damages using the Damage Information Reporting Tool. You can also review the latest D.I.R.T. report by CGA.

List of Members

Access a list of all current Members of Blue Stakes of Utah 811.


Read the By Laws of Blue Stakes of Utah 811.

Articles of Incorporation

Read our most recent amended Articles of Incorporation.


Report damages using the Damage Information Reporting Tool. You can also review the latest D.I.R.T. report by CGA.

Frequently Asked Questions

Facility Operators follow the APWA (American Public Works Association) standard to mark the locations of their underground facilities. The following colors are used:

RED – Electric Power Lines, Cables, Conduit and Lighting Cables
YELLOW – Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum or Gaseous Materials
ORANGE – Communication, Alarm or Signal Lines, Cables or Conduit
BLUE – Potable Water
PURPLE – Reclaimed Water, Irrigation and Slurry Lines
GREEN – Sewers and Drain Lines
WHITE – Proposed Excavation
PINK – Temporary Survey Markings

Locate Requests are NOT created after hours by Blue Stakes. If an emergency excavation needs to be completed after hours, you will need to contact each facility operator directly to request the area be marked or have them clear the area. To obtain a list of the impacted facilities use our Utility Contact Lookup link: https://ucl.bluestakes.org/. This is also accessible by clicking on the Utility Contact Lookup icon from within our Mobile App.

Enter the location information, use the tools provided to indicate the location on the map, and select “Emergency After Hours.” A popup will then provide a contact list of the numbers for the specific member facility operators that would need to be contacted directly after hours.

See General FAQ #14 for information about after-hours emergencies.

The facility operator/locator should communicate the delay with the excavator through an email, phone call, or both. The facility operator/locator may additionally post information on our Electronic Positive Response (EPR) system. Currently, participation in EPR is voluntary. To check the responses for your requests, go to: https://www.bluestakes.org/epr/. This is also accessible by clicking on the Positive Response icon or EPR Lookup icon from within our Mobile App. 

It is important to reach out to the excavator making the requests directly and express your concerns about these excessive requests for markings, where work appears to be complete.

Blue Stakes currently has over 600 participating facility operators. There are large and small companies including gas, power, communications, water, sewer, municipalities, and more. Each participating member facility operator should ensure the facility lines that they own and maintain are located and marked within the described areas on Locate Request Tickets. Some of these member facility operators hire third party locating companies to do their required locating and marking on their behalf. 

A list of participating facility operators can be found here: Blue Stakes Members 

To facilitate safety and damage prevention, effective May 1, 2024, Utah State Law requires excavators to submit a No Response Notice (NRSP) on the current locate request if the excavator is aware of or observes indications of a facility that was not marked in the work area covered by a current locate request. The excavator is required to submit the NRSP notice to Blue Stakes before they can start digging and provide which facility operator(s) or facility type(s) have not responded or marked. Blue Stakes will only send the NRSP notice to those member facility operators/facility types indicated by the excavator. Facility Operators are required to respond and/or mark their facilities within 4 business hours of the NRSP notice. With the addition of this new NRSP ticket revision type, the 2nd Notice (2NDR) ticket revision type has been eliminated.

Click here to review all of our FAQs