Currently, a map cannot be linked or submitted along with a Locate Request ticket that will be sent to the member facility operator/locator for locating and marking. If a map would help the Locate Specialist (LS) create the request, the LS will provide an email address to send it to. 
However, the excavator will still need to provide all normal, required location and marking instructions. 
Most locate requests can be described over the phone or online. In situations where excavation projects are large, complicated or within a restricted area, a Meet with the facility operators/locators may be necessary. If a Meet is requested, the excavator will need to provide address information for a suitable location to meet, as well as the general boundaries of the dig site. The specific excavation area(s) within these boundaries can then be shown and discussed with the member facility operators at the Meet. A map of the excavation area may be required to be provided to each member facility operator at the Meet.