It is important to allow sufficient time for markings to be completed before you begin excavation work. Plan to contact Blue Stakes to submit your request no later than three (3) business days before excavation begins or sooner than 14 calendar days before the commencement of your excavation work.

In emergency situations, member facility operators will attempt to respond as soon as possible.

A Locate Request expires 21 calendar days after the time the notice was submitted (queued to be delivered) to the member facility operators. If you need to dig beyond the expiration (Good Thru) date and time, you must contact Blue Stakes at least three (3) business days but no sooner than seven (7) calendar days before the expiration (Good Thru) date/time to update your current request. Member facility operator personnel will visit the dig site again and provide fresh markings if needed.

The Legal date/time, Update by date/time, and expiration (good thru) date/time will be included in the emailed or SMS copy of your Locate Request.